Anneris Kondratas in {Moleskine}

Gracias a Moleskine por crear mis marcadores para libros y la entrevista que me hicieron!.
La entrevista esta en ingles,pero es fácil de entender. 
Principalmente tengo que agradecer a ustedes, seguidores que me han votado para que esto sea posible!
Gracias también por los "Me gusta" en la página de facebook!
(Ya llegamos a 300 y seguimos sumando!)

Interview with Moleskine

We are proud to present to you the April Author A Month – Anneris Kondratas. As with all previous winners, Anneris was selected by our fans. If you would like to be considered for the next Author A Month profile, simply start sharing your work in myMoleskine and you have the opportunity to be selected as a finalists next month.

What are you interested in creating?
AK – I’m always looking into new ways of expressing myself. Moleskine allows me to build my collection of watercolors in a single place and navigate through the different realms by just turning the page. Right now I’m working on a series of drawings about wildlife and animals in general but taking it to the next level by including some elements of fantasy and fiction. I like working on a large watercolor notebook since the paper is excellent to support all the different techniques I use.
What does creating on a Moleskine notebook mean to you?
AK – Moleskine is not only a notebook where I can express my ideas, it also works as my journal. I start every morning, after having a cup of tea, by opening my notebook and taking a quick look into that white canvas. Almost immediately my mind starts wondering and before I know it I’m already sketching something.
Where do you like to escape to when you create?
AK – I have a big white desk where I love to work and where I’m surrounded by pencils, brushes, watercolor tubes, a bright light coming from the window. Also my faithful companion dog, who lays down next to my desk while I’m creating. I always have a notebook in my night stand, just in case of a creative emergency. Besides that some days I just like walking outside, sit on the grass and just get inspired.
A parting quote to share with everyone?
AK – As an artist, my world revolves around images and visual expressions. I’d like to say that my inspiration comes from anything, most of the time it’s particular moment, as Henri Cartier-Bresson said: “Photography is, for me, a spontaneous impulse coming from an ever attentive eye which captures the moment and its eternity.”


  1. congrats!!! :)
    que grossa y que emocion debe ser ver que tu laburo sea premiado de esta forma! ;)

    abrazos y te mando mail para intercambiar dires! :D

  2. Como me alegra que se cumplan tus objetivos, la verdad es que te lo mereces!!
    Haces maravillas!!
    Muchos besos!

  3. mas que contenta estoy con que te premiaron, de verdad te super felicito y yo me lei la interview, por medio del traductor de google, pa´ las que no entendemos un corno de inglish jaja

  4. Yo sabía! Felicitaciones :)

  5. Felicidades!!!!Te lo mereces.
    Tus diseños tienen que quedar geniales en una vajilla.

  6. que bueno!! me alegró ver que ganaste! (colaboré con mi votito eh!!)
    te felicito, Ana.


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