Anneris Erica Kondratas was born on September 20th in Buenos Aires, Argentina. From an early age she began practicing and perfecting her drawing, motivated by her father. In 2003 she began studying Bachelor of Visual Arts, where she studied the various branches of art. Anneris found in engraving and painting an incredible variety of techniques that motivated her imagination and that’s how she started perfecting her artistic productions. During 2005 she started to work in the study of artistic anatomy with the Professor Juan Domingo Herrera. Her artistic production was very influenced by the Art Nouveau. Vi. Symbolic details in her paintings has driven her away from the Western world and led her towards a new space. She began working with elements of Chinese and Japanese cultures, carried away by the a esthetic and narrative possibilities of these new elements. She gradually abandoned this unilateral interpretation and spontaneously generated a new universe where the mystical, dreamlike and magical, live in a special way, giving rise to multiple interpretations and points of view for her work.
Anneris Erica Kondratas nació el 20 de septiembre en Buenos Aires, Argentina. Desde muy temprana edad comenzó a practicar y perfeccionar en el dibujo, motivada por su padre. En 2003 inició sus estudios de Licenciatura en Artes Visuales, donde estudió las diversas ramas del arte. Anneris encontró en el grabado y la pintura de una increíble variedad de técnicas que motivaron su imaginación y así empezó a perfeccionar sus producciones artísticas. Durante el año 2005 comenzó a trabajar en el estudio de la anatomía artística con el profesor Juan Domingo Herrera. Su producción artística se fue influenciado por el Art Nouveau. Detalles simbólicos en sus pinturas la ha conducido lejos del mundo occidental y la llevó hacia un nuevo espacio. Ella comenzó a trabajar con elementos de las culturas china y japonesa, dejándose llevar por la estética y una posibilidades narrativas de estos nuevos elementos. Abandonó gradualmente esta interpretación unilateral y genero espontáneamente un nuevo universo donde lo místico, onírico y mágico, viven de una manera especial, dando lugar a múltiples interpretaciones y puntos de vista por su trabajo.
Where do you like to escape to when you create?
AK – I have a big white desk where I love to work and where I’m surrounded by pencils, brushes, watercolor tubes, a bright light coming from the window. Also my faithful companion dog, who lays down next to my desk while I’m creating. I always have a notebook in my night stand, just in case of a creative emergency. Besides that some days I just like walking outside, sit on the grass and just get inspired.
AK – I have a big white desk where I love to work and where I’m surrounded by pencils, brushes, watercolor tubes, a bright light coming from the window. Also my faithful companion dog, who lays down next to my desk while I’m creating. I always have a notebook in my night stand, just in case of a creative emergency. Besides that some days I just like walking outside, sit on the grass and just get inspired.
A parting quote to share with everyone?
AK – As an artist, my world revolves around images and visual expressions. I’d like to say that my inspiration comes from anything, most of the time it’s particular moment, as Henri Cartier-Bresson said: “Photography is, for me, a spontaneous impulse coming from an ever attentive eye which captures the moment and its eternity.”
¿Dónde te gusta escapar a cuando creas?AK – As an artist, my world revolves around images and visual expressions. I’d like to say that my inspiration comes from anything, most of the time it’s particular moment, as Henri Cartier-Bresson said: “Photography is, for me, a spontaneous impulse coming from an ever attentive eye which captures the moment and its eternity.”
AK - Tengo un escritorio blanco grande donde me encanta trabajar y donde estoy rodeado de lápices, pinceles, acuarelas y una luz brillante que ingresa desde la ventana.Ese es el escape más maravilloso. Mi perra, compañera fiel, se acuesta justo debajo del escritorio, mientras yo estoy dibujando o bocetando alguna idea Siempre tengo un cuaderno en mi mesita de noche, sólo en caso de una emergencia creativa. Además de que algunos días me gusta caminar por la calle, me siento en el pasto y espero a que se cruce la inspiración. A veces aparece y otras se hace desear...
Una cita de despedida para compartir con todo el mundo?
AK - Como artista, mi mundo gira en torno a las imágenes y expresiones visuales. Me gustaría decir que mi inspiración viene de la cualquier cosa, de lo cotidiano y simple, de lo que se cruza en mi camino, la mayoría de las veces es un momento particular, como Henri Cartier-Bresson, dijo: "La fotografía es, para mí, un impulso espontáneo viene de un ojo siempre atento que captura el momento y su eternidad ".
Contact annekondratas@gmail.com
Mar 2014 Participation and presentation of work in #Drawingalongmarch (Online)
April 2013 April Author a Month-Moleskine (USA)
Mar 2012 Collaboration for Chips Ahoy! (USA)
Jan 2012 Illustrations of the Book "Conversaciones entre Muertos" Editorial 13X13 (Buenos Aires, Argentina)
July 2011 Illustrations for the magazine "Sentido Figurado" (Spain)
Aug 2010 Participation and presentation of work in "Baleros Intervenidos" (Santa Fé, Argentina)
June 2010 Publication of Work in "Dangerous Art" (Web)
November 2009 Solo exhibition of paintings in “IUNA Transdepartamental area” (Buenos Aires, Argentina)
Sep 2008 Exhibition of paintings “Tesoros de Ludivina” (Buenos Aires, Argentina)
July 2008 Exhibition of paintings in “Tipo-Casa”- (Buenos Aires, Argentina)
Mar 2008 Exhibition of paintings in Alternative Space “Código-Rock”-( Buenos Aires, Argentina)
July 2007 Publication of works in the magazine "Helarte" (Spain).
November 2007 Exhibition of drawings at “Quinta el Ombú” (Buenos Aires, Argentina).
December 2004 Exhibition of acrylic paintings at “Salon Tango” (Buenos Aires, Argentina).
April 2013 April Author a Month-Moleskine (USA)
Mar 2012 Collaboration for Chips Ahoy! (USA)
Jan 2012 Illustrations of the Book "Conversaciones entre Muertos" Editorial 13X13 (Buenos Aires, Argentina)
July 2011 Illustrations for the magazine "Sentido Figurado" (Spain)
Aug 2010 Participation and presentation of work in "Baleros Intervenidos" (Santa Fé, Argentina)
June 2010 Publication of Work in "Dangerous Art" (Web)
November 2009 Solo exhibition of paintings in “IUNA Transdepartamental area” (Buenos Aires, Argentina)
Sep 2008 Exhibition of paintings “Tesoros de Ludivina” (Buenos Aires, Argentina)
July 2008 Exhibition of paintings in “Tipo-Casa”- (Buenos Aires, Argentina)
Mar 2008 Exhibition of paintings in Alternative Space “Código-Rock”-( Buenos Aires, Argentina)
July 2007 Publication of works in the magazine "Helarte" (Spain).
November 2007 Exhibition of drawings at “Quinta el Ombú” (Buenos Aires, Argentina).
December 2004 Exhibition of acrylic paintings at “Salon Tango” (Buenos Aires, Argentina).
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